It is 21st April 2016. The readings are from Acts 13:13-25; and the Gospel from John 13:16-20. In the first reading, we witness St. Paul took the lead in explaining the scriptures To make the devout Jews to accept Jesus, Paul began explaining the covenant and led them to understand the person of Christ Jesus and the resurrection. The responsorial Psalm praises, “I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.” (Ps.88:2). Today’s Gospel is from the ‘book of Glory.’ The passage we read is right after the Washing of the feet of the Apostle. “Very truly, I tell you, servants are not greater than their master, nor are messengers greater than the one who sent them.” (Jn.13:16). We are here around as a believer to bring the best image of Jesus by our way of living, speaking and doing. As much close as we must imitate the Lord in everything we do. The love, kindness, compassion, obedience, faithfulness and forgiveness of Jesus needs to come out as we serve one another. We must never engage in advertising ourselves in doing good. Thematic vision of our living is founded in the values of Gospel. Believers must never become betrayers of the same Love of Jesus. The powerful example of Jesus to clean the dirt of the other is the primary work of the believer. Pope Francis reprimands us in Evangelii Gaudium. No.78, “The spiritual life comes to be identified with a few religious exercises which can offer a certain comfort but which do not encourage encounter with others, engagement with the world or a passion for evangelization. As a result, one can observe in many agents of evangelization, even though they pray, a heightened individualism, a crisis of identity and a cooling of fervour. These are three evils which fuel one another.” Hence let us be on guard not to become a Messiah rather a messenger; and let us be a learner in school of the Love, not the Teacher until we see him in glory. May you have a good day.

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