It is 27th April 2016. The readings are from Acts 15:1-6; and the Gospel from John 15:1-8. The first reading welcomes Paul and Barnabas from the first missionary journey. On their arrival, they had to deal with the issue whether the non-Jews needed circumcision in order to be recipients of salvation and to be Christians. There was so much discussion on the Christian freedom. Paul insisted that it is not enough to change the outer garments rather to concentrate on the change of heart. So they decided that the circumcision is not necessary in order to be saved. God wants our hearts to be cleaner as we wish to present our clothing to be neat. It is always good to clean the inside of ourselves because it is the fountain of beauty for our very being. The responsorial Psalm sings, “I rejoiced when I heard them say: ‘Let us go to God’s house’.” (Ps.121:1). The Gospel teaches us that our fruitfulness entirely depends on the way we are connected to God through others. The correlation between the vine and branches are seen in its dependence and willingness to be pruned for further growth. Life, love and growth comes only when we are attached to Jesus in every way possible. Bearing fruit is possible when Jesus is the life link of our very existence. The cooperation we offer to the Risen Lord in pruning the unwanted parasites in our lives bring all the desired fruits. “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask what you will and you shall get it.” (Jn.15:7). May the Lord bless us to be fruitful in all we do and say through the Words of God. Have a good day.

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