It is 8th October 2016. The readings are from Galatians 3:22-29; and the Gospel from Luke 11:27-28. In the first reading, St. Paul points out that our dignity is established because of our faith in Jesus. We have become sons and daughters of God by the same faith. According to Paul, laws are moral guides while Jesus is the only teacher. Laws have supervised us until we have become familiar with our spiritual connection to Jesus through faith. We are taught by the Lord when we have the moral disposition to receive the truth in fullness. It is the faith in Jesus sets us free from the constant chocking of sins and desires. Jesus wants all of us to be free from burdens of sins. Our maturity is reached through the faith in the Lord by God’s grace. We need to put on Christ as the matter of urgency to save ourselves from our natural attraction to sins. Through Baptism, all the differences disappear and making us all one in Christ without any distinction whatsoever, whether we are male, or female, or Jew, or non-Jew. No one is more privileged than the other in Christ. The responsorial Psalm praises, “The Lord remembers his covenant for ever.” (Ps.104:8). In the Gospel, Jesus echoes the highest compliment to His beloved mother Mary. Having marvelled at the captivating personality of Jesus and His Word, a lady in the crowd burst in praises for the mother of Jesus. Jesus praises her all the more saying that His mother is happier just like those who hear the word of God and keep it. She is not only praised for having given birth to the Lord and nursed Him, but given the highest honour because of her personal accommodation to the Word of God. The special privilege comes through the spiritual motherhood through the work of grace. Mary is chosen by God and loved unconditionally. Just like our mother, let us collaborate and make the Word of God fruitful all our lives. May you have a good day.

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