It is 18th January 2017. The readings are from Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-17; and the Gospel from Mark 3:1-6. The first reading describes the prototype of high priest in the person of Melchizedek, king and priest.(Gen.14:18-21). He is the king of justice and peace. Jesus is our high priest for ever. “For it was about Him that the prophecy was made: You are a priest of the order of Melchizedek and for ever.” (Heb.7:17; Ps.109:4). The priesthood of Jesus comes from His own sacrifice which is pure and complete on the Holy Cross. Christ’s priesthood goes beyond death and His immortality. In the Gospel we encounter Jesus who heals the person with withered hand. Pharisees were not happy about the miracle of Jesus and its timing. But Jesus goes ahead healing the person. The pharisaic groups that could destroy our enthusiasm and eagerness to do good are still present among us too. There is no holiday for doing good. Even on a Sunday, the Lord ’s Day, none of us are exempted to remain idle and spend all our time and resources only for ourselves. No matter who criticizes our good work, we must not give up doing good. God desires the best in doing good at all times. Our human freedom could be noticed only in the way we are being good and being available for the rest of the humanity in need. At times, the good things we have done could be used as the proofs against us by the evil and selfish people. Yet, we need not be afraid of healing the wounds and the suffering humanity because Jesus is with us. Let us not over-emphasize the law more than the welfare of suffering humanity. Let us learn to focus our attention on the image and likeness of God that is you and me rather than this set of rules and that set of laws over the welfare and dignity of human person. May God give you peace and healing. Have a good day.