It is 30th December 2017. It is the Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas. The readings are from 1 John 2:12-17; and the Gospel from Luke 2:36-40. The cravings of the world will come to an end but not the desire to love God and one another. The first reading explains the perception of St. John on the world. St. John viewed the world that opposes God and becomes the arena of sin and sinful acts more than the acts of love and promotion of life. In human development, everyone is searching for something within, around and beyond. The trajectory of human experiences brings a state of mind in three distinct categories of people such as the wisdom-filled and over-cautious elders, the bubbling youth, and ever learning children. These are the people of goodwill who enjoy the peace of Christ during and after Christmas. The elders are passive and distant from the events of the world while the youth are exploring everything that unfolds in the world with certain restlessness and unsettled mindset yet strong in their commitments. The children are still learning and discovering day by day approaching the world with wonder and curiosity. To these people of goodwill, the world offers a type of dopamine which makes them to crave for more lust, possessions and insatiable love of body. Some of us are addicted to human appreciations, applauses, likes, encouragements day in and day out. We are in a vicious circle of web without realizing we cannot live outside the cobweb of lust, pride and greed. We all know that we are not satisfied with what we are inside of us and all that we consume for body and mind do not lead us to the Father and the Provider of our existence that is God. Only in God, the older ones have the fulfilment and tranquility, the younger ones have meaning for their lives and the children have the safe environment of integral growth. Until then the crazy passions of the body and mind would be in a race that would never end. The responsorial Psalm praises, “Let the heavens rejoice and earth be glad.” (Ps.95:11). We are presented with the eighty-four years old Anna, who served God night and day with fasting and prayer as the exemplar for our developmental growth. Encountering the Son of God is that makes our life whole and meaningful. The growth of a child depends on how much a child is closer to God and growing in maturity and wisdom day by day from the spiritual and worldly experiences. “The Child Jesus grew to maturity, and He was filled with wisdom; and God’s favor was with Him.” (Lk.2:40). May we grow deeply spiritual to face the world courageously without being contaminated by its strings of allures and alienation towards God. May you have a good day. May God bless you.

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