It is 21st March 2018. The readings are from Daniel 3:14-20, 24-25, 28; and the Gospel from John 8:31-42. We always want to have more freedom and liberty in every given situation. Seldom do we believe in a life that is challenging and risking our lives for the cause of others. Once we are free from fear, want, anxiety and lies, we could experience the power and the presence of God in certainty as that of the young men in the Book of the Prophet Daniel. Since they were having the freedom of their souls and spirit, they could challenge the king and his demands to abandon their religion and worship the gods of the king. Sin makes us to be slaves to people, situations and events. No king can save us with his power bestowed on him from spiritual slavery; it is God who sets people free and provides the lasting security. Our adherence and search for truth and belief in living God and in the power of His Holy Word will set us free. In times of doubts and disbelief, we need to come closer to God and surrender all the more to feel the presence of God when we are tested beyond human power. We can celebrate freedom and liberation only in and through God. The responsorial Psalm acclaims, “To you be glory and praise for ever.” (Dan.3:52). The Gospel points out that we are slaves and remain in a slavery when we continue to live in sin. Freedom is the gift for those who obey the Word of God. “If you make my Word your home, you will indeed be my disciples, you will learn the truth, and the truth will make you free.” (Jn.8:31). It is God’s Words that offer us a total freedom that lasts. Our obedience to God need not depend on the favour we are about to receive from God. Even in a situation, there is no way we could be offed a favour from God, we need to show our allegiance to God that is true freedom. Our freedom must not be motivated by any favour, gift or blessing rather by mere surrender to search for the truth in God. May we experience the freedom and liberation in Jesus who claimed himself as Truth and remained faithful to the Truth. May God bless us all as we search for truth and to recognise the secret and false gods of lies, promises and prosperity. May you have a good day.