It is 23rd October 2018. We celebrate the memorial of St. John of Capistrano, a priest. He was a soldier saint and a patron of judges. The readings are from Ephesians 2:12-22; and the Gospel from Luke 12:35-38. Good News of peace that is offered and preached by the Lord Jesus is the one reason that made us all the Body of Christ no matter where we come from and what we do in our lives. We are connected to each other through the fibre optics of love, mercy and forgiveness. It is not just mere tolerance to one another rather a deep love that flows from the Cross of Jesus and the reconciliation offered by Him to all people from the life-giving message of peace and blessing. Basically, to be a Christian means to believe and live in unity of mind, heart and life with oneself and to the other people around. Anyone who has the tendency to divide the others, however subtle way it might be, cannot be called a Christian. No one has the right and the power to exclude anyone to the promises of God, hoping in Christ and the blessings of the Holy Spirit. All forms of hostility must be shunned by all means in our communities and in our parishes. A fragmented Christianity is a humbug and self-contradictory to its very core belief itself. Many of us still suffer from this mentality of fragmentation and divisions within the Church. Some of us silently collaborate and support such elements to fuel the hidden agenda of the racial, tribal, lingual, gender divisions within the Church under the banners and cover-ups of pompous singing, liturgical celebrations and pious devotions. A few of us only have the noble intentions of unifying, interacting and exchanging without being prejudiced and critical about someone or something in our church. Christianity always embraced everyone and inclusive and open to other culture and languages. As a Christian let us not forget our roots of inclusivity, adoptability, respect for all, promoting human values and dignity in all our worship, personal prayer and in community living. There must be a clear distinction between our old way of life of not knowing Christ and the new life in Christ. St. Paul invites us all of us in the first reading not to divide the Church in pieces but to allow all the believers to experience peace in Christ Jesus. “All grow into one holy temple in the Lord; and you too, in Him, are being built into a house where God lives, in the Spirit.” (Eph. 2:21). Christ has broken all the barriers and removed all forms of division by His Passion, Death and Resurrection. Let us not consider anyone a second-class believer. We are anew in Christ; let us beware of the tensions that makes the Body of Christ to have a crack. The responsorial Psalm intercedes, “The Lord speaks peace to his people.” (Ps.84:9). The Gospel invites us to be ready for Christ and to be faithful to the teaching of Christ at all times. We will be asked a detailed account of our lives when Jesus comes to meet us in person. Quality of our Christian living is based on the faithfulness to Christ. Our lives must be guided by the light of Christ not the lies of the world. Christ will be pleased to reward those who are active and are found to be servants in the communities. No one knows the timing of Christ knocking the doors of our soul. Are we ready to meet Christ to submit our personal accounts of life? Are we ready to open the door for Him to enter? Or are we busy with something or someone so significant than Christ? May the Lord kindly bless you to spread his peace by being a peace-loving Christian. May you have a good day. God bless you.