It is 01st November 2018. The readings are from Ephesians 6:10-20 and the Gospel from Luke 13:31-35. There is a struggle to be joyful and good in our life. Even if we wish to be good, the evil does not allow us to do so. This battle might be a battle against the rulers and authorities who destroy the dream of Jesus. We must not look this struggle in a pessimistic and negative way. This battle is good for the human soul. Winning the battle belongs to God. We must not tired of fighting this battle to keep our inner person pure and persevering at all times. The moment we ignore this struggle or the battle against the evil in our lives, we give in the permission for the evil to rule our thoughts, souls and lives. There is no one is exempted in this battle against evil. We are all faced with the enormity of the evil every moment of our lives. We gradually lose the connections with God when we allow the evil to play its tune that we like it secretly but opposing it publicly. It is very hard to put up a fight against the evil in us and around us unless we cap ourselves with the helmet of faith, clothing ourselves with hope, and inner energy of charity and justice. Praying must not become a schedule rather to have the awareness of God and to have live connection with the Holy Spirit at all times. We need to protect ourselves against these Satanic powers with the power of prayer and faith in Jesus. We need to guard our blood and flesh. The relationships with one another and the respect for our own body has be pure and selfless at all times. There are millions of reasons and people to pray for. Let us start with someone whom we know and to pray for those whom we do not see, and know and all those who are in need. The flames of evil cannot be quenched without a deep and committed faith in Christ. Every moment there is a fire of evil in the form of lust, injustice, abuse ignited in the hearts of the innocent and the vulnerable people of our parishes, the society and in our communities. Our acquaintances with the Word of God need to be nurtured on a daily basis. “For it is not against human enemies that we have to struggle, but against the Sovereignties and the Powers who originate the darkness of this world, the spiritual army of evil in the heavens.” (Eph.6:11). There is army of evil is fighting against us just because we are believing in Christ. We are sure to be victorious only when we stand by Jesus. God has provided the necessary powers to defeat Satan through the Sacrament of Confirmation by accepting and allowing the works of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We have nothing to fear when Jesus is near. “On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” (Mt.16:18). The responsorial Psalm praises, “Blessed be the Lord, my rock.” (Ps.143:1). The Gospel encourages to stand our ground when it comes for our faith and working for God. We must not be afraid of the rulers and the Supervisors of God’s people. Our love for God needs to be shown not only in challenging them with words but by our pure and charitable life. A good person’s life threatens the evil leaders and those who are in the helm of affairs who are promoting evil, division, hatred among God’s people. Let us continue to fight against all kinds of evil starting from within each one of us and in the structures of the world. May you be blessed and protected by the power of the Holy Spirit at all times. May you have a good day.