Prayer is the breath of faith

Good morning good people! May the Lord give you peace, health and happiness. It is 11th March 2025.

Good morning good people!
May the Lord give you peace, health and happiness. It is 11th March 2025. We reflect on Isaiah 55:10-11 and Matthew 6:7-15.

As Pope Francis reminds us: “Prayer is the breath of faith, it is its most proper expression. As a silent cry that comes from the heart, prayer can accompany every day of our life.” (General Audience, 2020)
In the first reading, we are reminded that just as rain nourishes the earth and brings forth fruit, so does the Word of God impact the human soul. Our fruitfulness is not measured by how much we say in prayer but by the persistence and sincerity of our penitential hearts. It is not the quantity of time spent in prayer that moves God, but the quality of our openness to His will.

Jesus teaches us in the Gospel that prayer is not about empty words or vain repetition. Instead, it is about speaking to God from the heart, surrendering to His divine plan, and embracing the Our Father as the perfect model of prayer. In this prayer, Jesus invites us to:
• Acknowledge God as our Father and give Him due praise.
• Submit to His Kingdom and will, aligning our lives with His divine purpose.
• Seek daily sustenance, both physical and spiritual.
• Forgive others, just as we seek God’s mercy.
• Ask for strength against temptation and evil.

A little girl once asked her grandfather, “Why do you pray every morning before anything else?” He smiled and said, “My dear, when you wake up, do you check if your heart is still beating?” She shook her head. “No, because you trust that it is. Prayer is like that—it keeps my soul alive, even when I cannot see how. It reminds me that no matter what happens, I am in the hands of a loving God.”

A true and perfect prayer is one that trains our whole being to accept God’s will, no matter how difficult or mysterious it may seem. We do not pray merely to know God’s will, but to welcome and embrace it with trust and love

As we journey through this season of Lent, let us revive the spirit of prayer in our lives. The Responsorial Psalm proclaims, “The Lord rescues the just in all their distress” (Ps. 33:18). Let us entrust our lives to God, meditate on His Word, treasure it in our hearts, and allow it to transform us.

May our prayer life be fruitful, and may we always find peace in the loving hands of God.
May you have a blessed day.

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