God wants from us is childlike simplicity and humility to deal with our personal sins.

Good morning good people, May the Lord bless you with health, happiness, and peace. It is 17th August

Good morning good people,

May the Lord bless you with health, happiness, and peace.

It is 17th August 2024.  We celebrate the memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

We reflect on Ezekiel 18:1-10,13,30-32; and Matthew 19:13-15.

Facing the consequences of sin is personal and we cannot transfer to other.  A group or a family cannot be held responsible for the individual sins except the Original sin because our inter-dependence and common origin.

The environment and our growing-up are the ones mostly influence badly and deviate our focus on God and on one another.

God wants from us is childlike simplicity and humility to deal with our personal sins.

No way, God holds anyone responsible for the sin of the others.

The intention of God is to create a new heat and spirit when we are willing to renounce our sins.

In the Gospel, Jesus assures His healing and comforting touch on all of us however insignificant we could be in the family or in the community.

Children had no say and stand in the community Jesus lived yet He wanted them to be touched, loved, and recognised.

Whatever the sin and sinful conditions we have in our souls and however small and unimportant we could feel in our lives due to the burden of sin, we are all the children of God.

Jesus wants to touch us and heal us.

Jesus wants to bear the pain however excruciating and unhealable it could be.  Just one touch of Jesus will change our lives.

Whatever is our chronological age today, we are still His children.

We have someone whom we can place all our trust and faith that is Jesus.  “Then He laid His hands on them and went on his way.” (Mt.19:15).

Our constant and untiring effort in becoming like little children, we become a better disciple.

May the Lord help us to be aware of what we have accumulated selfishly and to make effort in disposing them.

God bless you.

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