God reminds us repeatedly God’s covenantal relationship with us while we are immersed in our achievements and outlook.

Good morning good people, May the Lord give you peace, health and happiness. It is 16th August 2024. 

Good morning good people,

May the Lord give you peace, health and happiness.

It is 16th August 2024.  We reflect on Ezekiel 16:1-15, 60, 63 and Matthew 19:3-12.

Are we in a change or in an exchange?

Our unfaithfulness hurts God.

The faithfulness of God is so consistent and constant all throughout our lives.  Whether we are married, chosen to be single or religious, we are all expected to honour our promises we made initially when we have chosen this life.

No one has forced the choice of life and the status on us.

God reminds us repeatedly God’s covenantal relationship with us while we are immersed in our achievements and outlook.

When our promises are meddled with, our fertility to love is in jeopardy.  The intimacy of the spouses cannot be reduced to conjugal relationships only, but without which one wonders the quality of intimacy between the couples.

Marriage is the plan of God for humanity.  Marriage is the sanctuary of love and life too when it participates and cooperates with the plan of God.

In the first reading, God reminds the people of Israel, how affectionate God is to Israel, yet the people are so infatuated of their beauty and have a pride in themselves.

Being ungrateful is the beginning of tampering with the faithfulness and commitment in the vocation to love, respect and trust.

Between us and God, it has never been mutual.  It seems so one-sided from the part of God.  God goes on loving us, protecting us and providing us while we go on being selfish, sinful, disrespectful.

God covers up our nakedness repeatedly yet we do not mind hurting God.  Our fruitfulness lies in our faithfulness to God and to one another.  God does not exclude in God’s loving covenant.

Are we not bothered of this pardoning and determined love of God?

The responsorial Verse praises, “Your anger has passed, O Lord, and you give me comfort.” (Is.12:1).

The Gospel explains the plan and intention of God for humanity.  God wanted all its fruits and blessings of the marriage for the couples and welfare of the children.

There is no way divorce is the only answer to the problems of the marriage.

Divorce saves the couple while losing the welfare of the child.

Love cannot be sacrificed for the sake of lust and material benefits.  The happiness and peace of the persons depend on the choices they make.

When we choose love, we will never go wrong.  God is love.  Let us choose God and love people.

May you have a fruitful living by a consistent faithfulness.

May you have a good day.

God bless you.

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