The Eucharist nourishes us to perceive the truth clearly.

Good morning good people, May the Lord give you peace, health and happiness in the Holy Spirit.  Wishing

Good morning good people,

May the Lord give you peace, health and happiness in the Holy Spirit.  Wishing you all a happy feast of Our Lady of Snows.  May her intercession always accompany us to remain blessed.

We reflect on Jeremiah 28:1-17 / Matthew 13-21.

Are we in a battle or a rattle?

The battle between truth and lies is still not over.

A war between the truthful and the untruthful continues in the edges and bridges of every human encounter and relationship.

Truth is tested but cannot be tamed.

Lies are listed and limited even if it has wings of fame.

God’s prophet Jeremiah and the prophet Hananiah, who claimed to be the prophet were speaking on behalf of God and consoling and encouraging people. Even though one is fake and a people-pleaser, it is hard to discern the truthful person until we have God’s Spirit to perceive it.

“Do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from God because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 Jn.4:1).

Some people feed our minds while many make us starve physically.

Even if everyone is against us, let us continue to speak the truth like the prophet Jeremiah.

The Lord is willing to feed our hungry minds and bodies when we can receive the Word of God to sustain us.

Bodily hunger deprives the power to choose the right and truth. Whenever we excuse and find reasons to move away, we embrace lies subtly.

The disciples did not realise the closeness of the Lord, the Truth as they were in a hurry to send people away.

The Eucharist nourishes us to perceive the truth clearly.

It is the power of the Eucharist that offers the courage to feel the pain and suffering of the hungry, the lonely, and the poor around.

Living and standing for the poor and the hungry are the ways to speak for the Lord.

May we truly discern the truth and walk by it. May God bless you.

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