It is 08th February 2015. It is the Fifth Sunday of the Ordinary Time. The Readings are from Job.7:1-4, 6-7, 1Cor. 9:16-19,22-23 and the Gospel from Mk. 1:29-39. The first reading presents a pessimistic outlook of Job who lost everything in his life and inviting us to be careful about this negative view of life. “Remember that my life is like the wind; I shall not see happiness again.” (Job.7:7) Even amidst pain, suffering, and loss, we need to be focused on God to believe that God can change any situation. The Second reading brings out a new approach to the ministry. Proclaiming the Good News is a privilege and duty. It must not be done for money rather to meet God in human person. The Responsorial Psalm pays tribute to the Lord, “Praise the Lord, who heals the broken-hearted.” (Ps.147:3a). The Gospel presents the hectic ministry of Jesus and His personal relationship with God in prayer. Jesus not only spent his time with people talking and healing, He presented himself to God through His personal prayers. “Rising very early before dawn, he left to a deserted place, and there he prayed.” (Mk.1:35). Unless we talk to God in prayer, we cannot share about Him to someone. It is a privilege and duty to do so. We must not be tired bringing God to someone sometime daily. Let us talk about God and God’s intervention in our lives and in our society. When was the last time you spoke for God and spoke about God to someone? Let us begin talking about God in our homes, communities and in the society at large. May you have blessed day.

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