It is 10th February 2015. The Readings are from Gen. 1:20-2:4a and the Gospel from Mk. 7:1-13. It is the memorial of St. Scholastica, a Virgin. She is the twin sister of St. Benedict. She devoted her life to God from the early childhood. The first reading brings out the culmination of creation of God in creating human persons in His image and inviting the entire creation to “Be fruitful, and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it.” The Responsorial Psalm praises God, “O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth.” (Ps. 8:2a). The Gospel points out our inner disposition towards God. Most of us want our lives to be fertile, multiplied, filled and to be taken control of what is around us. In this material affluence , the invasion of sin inside is being ignored and side-lined systematically. We are mostly fruitful outside but we are barren inside . We are multiplying outside, we are shrinking inside. We are filling the earth with the newness of human inventions, while rusting inside and forgetting our search for the Ever New God daily. We are invited by the Lord today to hear, “This people honours me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” (Mk. 6:6-7) Let us move away from pleasing human beings only. Let us move forward and inward to make God and God’s commandment come true by our sincere effort to curtail the invasion of sin in us. May you have a blessed day.

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