It is 14th February 2015. The Readings are from Gen. 3:9-24 and the Gospel from Mk. 8:1-10. It is the memorial of Sts. Cyril and Methodius. It is the Valentine Day too. We shall remember all those who are in love and wish to be in love with someone. May the Lord bless them all who are seeking for true love that is lasting. The first reading speaks about the blame game of our First Parents. Man blamed the woman; woman accused the serpent. How easy is to blame someone for our sins? God knows the inmost hearts of us all and holds responsible for what we have done. We cannot get away with sins without acknowledging it. It is the sin that deceived the human being through the serpent. It is the sin of disobedience that brought so much of pain, suffering, confusion, and expulsion for the man and woman. The intimacy with God was lost and the connection with the tree of life is destroyed by the sin. It is Mary, the Immaculate Conception, our mother who crushed the head of the serpent and her only Son, our Lord Jesus who brought us all a new life and a new connection with God. The Responsorial Psalm assures all of us hope, “O Lord, you have been our refuge from one generation to the next.” The Gospel talks about the compassionate heart of Jesus and the multiplication of bread to the non-Jewish crowd. God is interested to take care of our needs whether it is physical or spiritual. Jesus, the bread of life offers not only bread for physical need and he satisfies them with the Word of God. When we are hungry, either spiritual or physical our God is not going to close His eyes. There is no human need is too large for God to provide. May the Lord bless you and have a blessed day.

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