It is 15th February 2015. It is 6th Sunday of the Ordinary Time. The Readings are from Lev. 13:1-2, 44-46; 1 Cor. 10:31-11:1 and the Gospel from Mk. 1:40-45. The first reading invites us to view the attitude of the people of Israel had towards leprosy and the rules for quarantining the person. In the second reading, St. Paul calls on us to do “everything for the glory of God.” The Responsorial Psalm rejoices, “I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation.” (Ps.32:7). The Gospel describes the healing touch of Jesus on the leper. A leper comes to Jesus and said, “If you wish, you can make me clean.” (Mk. 1:40). The leper broke the law in approaching Jesus. Jesus did not condemn him, rather He filled with compassion stretched out His hands said, “I am willing and be clean.” (Mk.1:41). Jesus recognised this man’s inner impurity. There is a value of the person deep inside than merely outside. Although a person may have an incurable disease yet there is something so rich inside of the person. God does not have any disgusting feeling about any type of human condition. God wants to touch us and expecting us to be the imitators of Him in healing persons in the community unlike the people of Israelites. We all have a certain type of leprosy inside of us who needs to be cleansed by Jesus. If and when we are cleansed from such type of leprosy, we need to offer our very selves to God and to His Church. Have a good day and God bless you.

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