It is 18th February 2015. THE ASH WEDNESDAY. A day of Fasting and Abstinence. The Readings are taken Joel 2:12-18; 2Cor 5:20; 6:2 and the Gospel from Mt. 6:1-6, 16-18. The first reading provides a turning point by the prophet. Today starts a new way of looking at our spiritual journey with our God. It is time to renew the relationship with God and others seriously through our fasting, and personal mortifications. God is looking for an inward repentance. (1 Sam. 16:7 & Mat. 23:1-36). It is not enough to tear our clothes but we need to have deep remorse for our personal sins. It is time to give up sins and shed our old ways. It is the time of God’s forgiveness and blessings. It is the time of penance which means to beg for God’s pardon and to be charitable with one another. St. Paul in the second reading says that now is the favourable time to be reconciled with God. To become friends with God and other human beings. The Responsorial Psalm cries out, “Have mercy on us, O Lord, for we have sinned.” (Ps. 50:1). In the Gospel Jesus stresses the significance of Love, Prayer and Mortification as the key for the spiritual renewal. It is time of metanoia which means change of mind. It is time to return to God. Let us come to the Table of the Lord to face Him in order to chase the sins far away from our lives. May God bless you and have a blessed day.

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