It is 19th February 2015. The second day of the Lent. The readings are from Deut. 30:15-20 and the Gospel from Lk 9:22-25. The first reading concentrates on the challenge Moses made to the people of Israel in choosing God and life. The blessings come only through following the commandments of God. Otherwise, we perish spiritually and materially. The choice is ours. God has given freedom to choose. It is up to us to pick and choose life. “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today. I set before you, life and death, blessings and curses. Choose life, then you live…” (Deut.30:19). God does not force His will on us. He allows us to choose. The Responsorial Psalm offers us hope telling, “Happy the man who has placed his trust in the Lord.” The Gospel proposes us that Jesus chose to die for us. Lent is a time to choose the entrance less utilized. It is time to choose to give and give up. It is also a time to choose and lose. It is time to die for our sins and to participate in the mystery of death and glory of life with God and Christ. Let us do something for God and something more for our neighbour whom we find it hard to relate and return. May the Lord bless you to choose life and letting others to choose life in their lives. May you have a blessed day.

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