It is 20th February 2015. It is the Third day of the Lent. The Readings are from Is. 58:1-9a and the Gospel from Mt. 9:14-15. The first reading insists a type of fasting God wants us to do during this Lenten time. “To share your bread with the hungry, and shelter the homeless poor, to clothe the person you see to be naked and not turn from your own kin.” (Is.58:7). Yes indeed, it is time to show and reciprocate God’s love in us with someone who is less fortunate than we. The hungry, the homeless, the poor, the naked are the ones God wants us to help them through our self-denial. Let us make sacrifice which is going to bring light into our darkness and healing into our sickness. “Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly.” (Is.58:8). The Responsorial Psalm sings aloud, “A humbled, contrite heart, O God, you will not spurn.” (Ps.50:19). The Gospel too stresses the need to fast. John’s disciples went without food to mourn for their sins. Jesus wants us to fast during this Lent with the right reason in mind. We are given the right reason by the Prophet Isaiah in the first reading. Fasting brings us closer to God and our neighbour. Fasting must have a social value wrapped with love. Let us give our bread to those who are in need while we receive the Eternal Bread from the sacred Altar of God. May God bless you and have blessed day.

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