It is 21st February 2015. It is the fourth day of the Lent. The readings are from Is. 58:9b-14 and the Gospel from Lk.5:27-32. The first reading inculcates a new type of fasting with the change of behaviour and heart. It is time to be converted from our old, routine and casual sins. It is time to return to the Lord. “The Lord will always guide you, giving you relief in desert places.” (Is.58:11). We are expected not only to share the food with the hungry during the Lent, but also to honour our God through worship on those days set apart for God. “If you honour those days by abstaining from travel, from doing business and from gossip, then you shall find happiness in the Lord.” (Is. 58:13-14). Let us give more time for our God through an extra participation in our worships. It is the best time of the year to return to the Lord as frequently as we need to. The Responsorial Psalm prays, “Show me, Lord, your way so that I may walk in your truth.” The Gospel presents the call of Matthew, the tax-collector. Jesus chose him to be an apostle. Matthew invited his friends to experience what he felt in Jesus. Jesus chose to spend time with the sinners. Jesus is interested in us too to be converted and to renounce our sins. “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” (Lk. 5:31-32). Let us dine with Jesus and be forgiven by Him. Have a good day.

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