It is 22nd February 2015. It is the First Week of the Lent. The readings are from Gen.9:8-15; 1Pet.3:18-22 and the Gospel from Mk.1:12-15. The first reading reminds us the covenant God made to Noah. God reassures Noah that God will repopulate them again. As Noah was saved through the flood, we are all cleansed and reborn through our Baptism. The Responsorial Psalm assures us, “Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those who keep your covenant.” The second reading from St. Peter offers us the prefigured meaning of the covenant is Baptism which give us a new birth and make us all God’s children again. God wants us to prepare spiritually during this Lent. “Baptism now saves you – it is not a removal of dirt from the body but an appeal to God for a good conscience.” (1Pet.3:21). Baptism not only removes our Original sin but also make us the temples of the Holy Spirit, the children of Heaven, and adopted children. Yes, we are saved through our Baptism yet we are not spared from the temptations. The Gospel brings out the temptation of Jesus after His Baptism. Jesus overcomes the temptation showing us the example to deal with the tempter. It is the fight and winning approach makes us stronger day by day during and after Lent. In order to deal with any temptation, we need to believe in the Gospel. “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near, repent, and believe in the Good News.” (Mk.1:4). It is a lifelong transformation and a change of heart God is look for in our lives. May the Lord bless you. Have a good day.

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