It is 23rd February 2015. It is the memorial of St. Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr. He was burnt to death in the stadium for the faith he held. His writing are the evidences of the early Christian living. The readings of the day are from Lev. 19:1-2, 11-18 and the Gospel from Mt. 25:31-46. The first reading is the diagram for holiness. We are invited to be holy. “Be holy, for I, the Lord your God, am holy.” (Lev.19:1). God is the one we need to imitate in holiness. Holiness must be inclusive of the concerns and cares we are to display in our communities. Holiness is the expression of our behaviour and attitude in reference to God and our neighbour. It all depends on how we treat our neighbour, the image of God. Personal holiness is the basis for the way we are expected to relate with others. The Responsorial Psalm invites us to have fear of the Lord to be holy, “Your words are spirit, Lord, and they are life.” (Ps.18:8). The Gospel continues to expound the side of holiness in action and the expectation of Jesus during the Final Judgement. We are expected to treat everyone as we would like to treat Jesus if and when we encounter – feeding the hungry, giving the homeless a place to stay, and looking after the sick. It is the action that counts before God not mere faith alone. Jesus wants us to perform as many as acts of mercy we all can perform daily. It is our personal responsibility to care for others. Holiness is nothing but our personal involvement in caring for others. (Is. 58:7). If we fail to repent, we are punished after death in hell. To avoid embarrassment after death, let us demonstrate the acts of mercy in our daily lives. May God bless you have a good day.

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