It is 24th February 2015. The Readings are from Is.55:10-11 and the Gospel from Mt. 6:7-15. The first reading promises us the power of God’s word and its effects on us. The Word of God comes to us during this Lent will not return to God without its impact on us. It is in our personal prayer and communication with God, we experience of the outpouring of God’s Words and its effects. God’s Words have the Will of God for us. When we need to know the will of God in our lives, we need to familiarize ourselves with God’s Word in prayer. Additionally, the Spirit of God dwells in us and that is why God’s Word will have the desired change in our lives with spiritual enrichments. The Responsorial Psalm offers hope for all who are in need of God, “The Lord rescues the just in all their distress.” (Ps.33:18). The Gospel presents us the model of persistent prayer and the basic requirement to make our prayers heard is our forgiveness. Prayer has no magical strings. Never can someone say that they have prayed enough. Lord’s Prayer is the pattern for all our prayers. Before we ask for anything in prayer, we need to ask for forgiveness from people and God. God is willing to listen, when we ourselves have listened to the tears caused by the unforgiving attitudes. May you have a blessed day. God bless you.

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