It is 26th February 2015. The readings are from Esther 14:1, 3-4, 11, 13-14 and the Gospel from Mt. 7:7-12. The first reading is a powerful prayer of Queen Esther who put the entire trust in the Lord. “Now help me O God, I am alone and have no one but you.” (Est.14:3). Prayer made from the deep recess of our hearts are so pleasing to God. God was with Esther because of her commitment in prayer to the Lord. We can face any enemy within ourselves and outside through the unshakable commitment in our prayer. The Responsorial Psalm gives us the assurance that God hears our prayer, “Lord, on the day I called for help, you answered me.” (Ps.138:3a). The Gospel encourages us to pray with love. Jesus wants us to be persistent in our prayers. We do not need to give up on in prayer when God takes time to answer. In our prayer, we need to ask God daily for more knowledge, patience, wisdom, love and understanding. Our prayers are not granted when we ask for “snakes” in our prayer instead of bread. God hears our prayer when we ask what is good for us. We can ask God our Father for our needs in prayer and God grants us ungrudgingly and generously. As our earthly caregivers are kind, so God is much more consistent in His kindness. Prayer is answered when there is love and acts of mercy involved. It is in our personal initiatives of love and acts of mercy towards others, we are attended to by God in our prayers. May you have a good day.

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