It is 27th February 2015. The readings are from Ez. 18:21-28 and the Gospel is from Mt. 5:20-26. The first reading invites to be repented because of God’s mercy is so abundant. We all fear whether our sins of the past be forgiven after we get repented. The Prophet Ezekiel answers through the reading that we will not be punished for the past sins and we shall live. It is same with the good persons, if they recourse to evil, then the persons will be held accountable for the present sins and die. God is interested in our repentance not in our death. We are expected to have a new heart and spirit. When we repent, God offers us a new heart and spirit out of grace. There is love and justice in our God. As God loves us abundantly, so God will hold us answerable for the evil things we do. The Responsorial Psalm exclaims, “If you, O Lord, should mark our guilt, Lord, who would survive? (Ps. 129:3). The Gospel of Matthew advises us to face our brothers and sisters before we face God. Jesus too wants to tell us that we will be held accountable if our intent has evil attitude. Anger is the powerful emotion when it is expressed with evil intentions, it might go beyond the control, lead to violence, hurt, and stress. “First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.” (Mt. 5:24). Lent is the time to deal with our anger issues with our brothers and sisters. May we face the Lord after settling accounts with our brethren. May God bless you and have a blessed day.

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