It is 2nd March 2015. The readings are from Daniel 9:4b-10 and the Gospel from Lk.6:36-38. The first reading provides us a prayer of Daniel. Daniel looks at himself as a sinful person along with others before God. Sin brings shame and guilt in us. Sin makes us to be far from the original design of God for us. Sin isolates ourselves, our neighbour and our God. God is still waiting for us to return to Him and leaving our sinful ways during this Lent. Let us deal with our sins. The responsorial Psalm repeats a prayer, “Do not treat us according to our sins, O Lord.”(Ps. 102:10). The Gospel instructs us not to condemn or judge but rather to be merciful and forgiving. We have been invited so far in the previous weeks to be holy, to be perfect like the Father God. Today, we are asked to “Be merciful as your Father is merciful.”(Lk.6:36). We are mostly merciful, and non-judgemental when dealing with our own personal sins. We tend to be judging harshly and condemning unjustly while dealing with forgiving issues in others. Jesus warns us today that we need to be extra careful in criticising, judging and condemning others. The measuring ruler which we use in dealing with the issues of others will be used against us. We need to be gracious, generous and merciful in passing our remarks, our views and perceptions on others. Let us love and forgive more and judge less always. May God bless you and have a blessed day.

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