It is 05th March 2015. The readings are from Jer.17:5-10 and the Gospel from Lk 16:19-31. The first reading invites us to put trust in the Lord. The Prophet wanted us to know that there are two kinds of people on the face of the earth. One who puts their entire trust in the Lord and bearing fruit always and another type of people who solely put their trust in others and remain barren and unfruitful. Which type are we? “I, the Lord, search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a person according to his/her conduct and deeds deserve.” (Jer.17:10). During this Lent, God wants to examine our hearts and minds to see whether it trusts in the Lord and doing good works or trusting in others forgetting and forsaking God. We can still choose God and become fruitful any time of our lives. We just need a change of heart. The Responsorial Psalm echoes the sentiments of the Prophet, “Happy the person who placed his trust in the Lord.” (Ps.39:5). The Gospel presents two kinds of persons. One is a selfish rich man and another one is a generous poor man. God punished the rich man not because he is rich just because he refused to feed, to take care of Lazarus and more so, for his hard heartedness. What is our attitude towards money and possessions in sharing with the poor? Lent is the time to feed, and share what we have. Our trust in the Lord has to be seen in our sharing with the needy to receive God’s blessings. May God bless you and have blessed day.

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