It is 09th March 2015. The readings are from 2 Kgs. 5:1-15a and the Gospel from Lk 4:24-30. The first reading presents the story of Naaman healed of leprosy. God heals mostly through some human channels. It is that little girl’s faith brought healing to Naaman. You may think that what can I do when people suffer; I am not in a position to do any good. No matter what is your status, yet you can still tell someone that God is capable of healing them. We can always be the channels of healing and love for those who suffer. God does not require an extraordinary things to heal us. God may use the ordinary means to heal us just as the Prophet told him to wash in Jordan. Our obedience and humility are needed for the healing. The responsorial Psalm prays, “My soul is thirsting for God, the God of my life; when can I enter and see the face of God?” (Ps. 41:3). The Gospel describes the theme of rejected prophets which is found in Neh.9:26-31. “No prophet is accepted in his hometown.” (Lk.4:24). Even Jesus was not accepted in His hometown Narareth. God shows his mercy for Gentiles, and needy people through prophets Elijah and Elisha. God’s mercy is for all and no matter what the response from us. God continues to send his prophets even though we are rebellious. When others do not understand and accept our faith and good works, let us still continue to do good in our lives. May God bless you.

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