It is 13th March 2015. “24 Hours for the Lord” starts today initiated by Pope Francis. May we utilise this time for reflection, contemplation and for prayer. The readings are from Hos. 14:1-9 and the Gospel from Mk.12:28b-34. Prophet Hosea in the first reading calls Israel to come back to the Lord. The Prophet is inviting us to repent. “Israel, come back to the Lord your God your iniquity was the cause of your downfall.” (Hos.14:1). We fall in our lives due to our sins. God punishes our sins with the heavy heart. God expects us to ask for forgiveness. When it is hard to listen to the voice of the Lord due to human weakness, God’s compassion is repeatedly guaranteed. “I will heal their sins and love them freely, for my anger has turned away from them. (Hos.14:4). The responsorial Psalm warns us singing, “I am the Lord your God, listen to my warning.” (Ps 80:9,11). Jesus summarises the existing laws into just two laws. There were 613 minor and major laws. Jesus wants us to love God and love others (Deut.6:5 and Lev.19:18). Loving God and neighbour must be balanced in our spiritual lives. Love of God must not undermine the love of the other. Ignoring one love and igniting the other does not help any person. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” (Mk.12:30,31). Our personal repentance is the only possibility which will help us to love God as well as our neighbour. When we are in sins, it is indeed a challenge to love God and others. May God bless you.

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