It is 18th March 2015. The readings are from Is.49:8-15 and the Gospel from Jn.5:17-30. We have the memorial for St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Doctor. The first reading is the assurance of God’s unchanging love for us. God never forget us, even if the most significant person of life forget us. God promised his love for people of Israel telling, “Even a mother forget the child, I will not forget you.” (Is.49:15). The responsorial Psalm restates, The Lord is kind and full of compassion.” (Ps.144:8). The Gospel describes that Jesus as God’s son and working with God, the Father hand in hand. “My father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working.” (Jn.5:17). God is still at work in our lives to bring us back to life eternal through His son Jesus. We all have to face Jesus before we face God. We all have to stand before Jesus even before we present ourselves to God. Today’s saint, St. Cyril believed that Jesus and God are of the same substance and both are equally God. It is Jesus who judges us whether we are worthy of entering the eternal life because He is life itself. There is no one can escape the judgement of Jesus. We will be judged according to what we have believed and performed in our lives. We cannot ignore Jesus in the pursuit of loving the Father. God loves us tirelessly and expects us to love Him through His beloved Son Jesus. May the Lord help us that we do not become tired of loving Jesus in any circumstances. May God bless you.

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