It is 19th March 2015. It is the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Husband of Blessed Virgin Mary. St. Joseph is the patron of peaceful death. He is the custodian not only for the Holy Family but also the Family of God, the Universal Church. Joseph was just, pure, gentle, prudent, and unfailingly obedient to the will of God. We too wish all those who named after St. Joseph. May we be able to emulate the qualities of St. Joseph in our lives. The readings of today are from 2 Sam.7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Rom.4:13, 16-18, 22 and the Gospel from Mt.1:16, 18-21, 24a. The first reading speaks about the intention of God to build an abode for Him. God did not want David to build because he was a fighter yet God wanted Solomon to build. The responsorial Psalm promises God’s kindness toward the posterity of David, “The son of David will live for ever.” (Ps.89:37). The second reading narrates that faith in God makes Abraham as the father of us all. In the same way, the example and faith of St. Joseph makes him the father of Holy Family and all the families. The Gospel describes that Mary and Joseph were direct descendants of David. St. Joseph obeyed God when he was faced with the difficult choice of protecting Mary as a mother. St. Joseph brought out extra ordinary spiritual qualities such as righteousness, discretion and sensitivity, responsiveness to God and self-discipline. We have a great model for our families and our religious commitments in St. Joseph. We need to obey God even though we may be humiliated. Let not our spiritual life depend on the approval rate of others. May God bless you.

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