It is 02nd April 2015. It is Holy Thursday. We celebrate the Triune feasts of the Institution of the Holy Eucharist, the Institution of ministerial priest and the New Commandment of Love The readings are from Ex. 12:1-8,11-14; 1 Cor.11:23-26 and the Gospel from Jn.13:1-15. The first reading celebrates the feast of Passover. God invites the people of Israel to celebrate their liberation with the meal and to have a mark of the Lamb in their homes to avert the slaughter. St. Paul believes in the Second reading that the celebration of the Lord’s Supper is the unbroken tradition from the beginning of the church and wants to believe that every Holy mass leads us to meet Jesus. “For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.” (1Cor.11:26). Remember to greet your priests whom you know and serve you. Say a pray for them and send a note of wishes on their priesthood day today. The responsorial Psalm praises “Our blessing-cup is the communion with the blood of Christ.” (1Cor.10:16). Jesus celebrates the First Eucharist with his chosen Apostles. He washed their feet to show how much deep is the love he has for them and wants them to practice the same with one another. “So if I, your Lord and Techer, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.” (Jn.13:14). He shares His own Body and Blood under the form of bread and wine prior to His final commitment on the Cross. Participating in Holy Eucharist daily is a reminder for our participation in the Passion and Death of Jesus which must intensify our charity to the extent of washing one another’s feet. May the Lord bless us today and may we find sometimes to spend time with Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist.

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