It is 16th April 2015. The readings are from Acts. 5:27-33 and the Gospel from Jn.3:31-36. The first reading offers a clear view about the obedience and the persecution of the Apostle by the leaders. To be a witness for Christ means to obey God. St. Peter, a free man challenged those who wanted him to put to death. We can face any authority, power and an army of evil people who want to destroy us, with the power of God and through obedience to Christ. No one can touch us if we are obedient to God. “We must obey God rather than any human authority.” (Acts.5:29). We live in a world where there is so much conflicts and hatred for another human being. We must always pray for peace. Never submit to the human authority who destroy peace among human beings. When we are faced with the dilemma of who should we obey, it is better to obey God. The responsorial psalm repeats today the same sentiments, “This poor man called, the Lord heard him.” (Ps.33:7). The Gospel insists on our testimony and witness to Christ. “Anyone who believes in the Son has eternal life.” (Jn. 5:36) St. John wants us to listen and to believe the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the complete revelation of the Father. It is up to us to obey Him or not. But God wants us to obey His only Son the Risen Christ. God desires us to choose (Deut.30:1-5). We have to make a decision to obey God. (Joshua 24:15). A true obedience is nothing but knowing Jesus Christ as He is and surrendering ourselves to Him to be saved and to experience the eternal life. May the Risen Christ lead us to God, the Truth.

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