It is 20th April 2015. The readings are from Acts.6:8-15 and the Gospel from Jn.6:22-29. The first reading describes the arrest of St. Stephen. St. Stephen was a wise servant, a miracle worker and an evangelist. His preaching was filled with the Spirit of God. They accused him as they did to Jesus. A true follower of Jesus will have to go through always some kind of accusations for what they speak and stand for. It is good to stand for Jesus and His words. We all can experience the power of Jesus when we are willing to speak for the Lord no matter who is against us. “They saw that his face was like the face of an angel.” (Acts.6:15). The responsorial Psalm praises, “They are happy whose life is blameless.” (Ps.118:1). The Gospel presents Jesus is the true Bread from Heaven. People were looking for Jesus for something. Jesus corrected them telling not to follow Him for material and physical benefits forgetting the spiritual hunger. Many of us use religion for our personal gains such as prestige, comfort or political or magical power. We all follow Jesus for a reason. If our reason is based on spiritual one, our intention to follow Him is noble. If it is for material reasons, then our intentions are selfish and self-centred. “Do not work for food that cannot last but work for food that endures to eternal life, the kind of food the Son of Man is offering you.” (Jn.6: 27). Jesus is the bread as the God’s gift to us. To accept this very fact of Jesus is the bread of life needs faith. Jesus wants us to believe Him fully. Without faith in Jesus, our spiritual hunger cannot be satisfied. Let us put our faith in Him so as to be a true follower like St. Stephen.

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