It is 22nd April 2015. The readings are from Acts. 8:1b-8 and the Gospel from Jn.6:35-40. The first reading highlights the hard work of Philip during the persecution of the Christians after the death of Stephen. Saul started to persecute the Church and put the Christians in prison house after house. So, the Christians had to flee. They went to Samaria and Judaea. They became the messengers of the Word of God wherever they settled down. The believers received the message from Philip with much appreciation. “The people with one accord listened eagerly to what was said by Philip; hearing and seeing the signs that he did.” (Acts. 8:6). We, the Church need to face the persecution in such a way, we become the hope for the others. Persecutions cannot bury the Church of God. God does not leave us during any persecution. Torments and torture can bruise the surface but always cements the core of the believer. Persecutors themselves could become a convert one day, if we the Church begin to proclaim the Word of God in such a way. The Responsorial Psalm rejoices, “Cry out with joy to God all the earth.” (Ps.65:1). The Gospel depicts Jesus as the true Bread of life. We are all on a journey as the Israelites were on a journey to the Promise Land. God provided them with manna during the journey. Jesus promises us to provide us with the true bread for our journey to Heaven. Without Jesus, the bread of life, we can be tired, thirsty and disoriented. “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” (Jn. 6:35). The Risen Christ will not allow anyone to be overcome by Satan. Jesus wants all of us who believe Him must enjoy the life eternal. Let us put our faith in Jesus in order to enjoy the life for ever with Jesus.

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