It is 25th April 2015. The feast day of St. Mark, the Evangelist. He is the Patron of lawyers and invoked against lightning and rain. The readings are from 1 Pt.5:5b-14 and the Gospel from Mk.16:15-20. The first reading speaks about the qualities of the Christians and a special greetings to St. Mark. Humility is the garment of every Christian, who need to be watchful against the gimmicks of the devil, put all worries in the hands of the Lord and willing to suffer a cause for the Lord. “Humble yourselves… Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you. Resist the devil… Endure the suffering for the Lord.” (1 Pt.5:6-11). God promises us to restore, support, strengthen and establish back to the normal when we are willing to suffer for the Lord. Our hard work for the church must not have the motif to be praised by human beings rather to be recognised by God. New leaders who are young must be willing to learn from the old leaders putting aside their pride. Let us submit ourselves to the Lord not to the situations and circumstances. The responsorial Psalm praises, “For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.” (Ps.89:2). The Gospel offers the Great Commission of Jesus to all of us. The Gospel of Mark insist on the servanthood of Jesus as the Son of God. We are invited to be the witnesses for Jesus through our faith. Even though, we may feel unworthy and unskilled for the task God has entrusted to us to spread the Good News, with our faith in the Risen Jesus, we can surely do wonders for the Lord. “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.” (Mk.16:15-16).

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