It is 28th April 2015. We celebrate the memorials of Sts. Peter Chanel and St. Louis Mary de Montfort. The readings are from Acts.11:19-26 and Jn 10:22-30. The first reading tells us that for the first time the faithful are called Christians. The Christianity was launched on its missionary activities. The members from Cyprus and Cyrene were pioneering the work of the Church in Antioch, the third largest city next to Rome and Alexandria. The contributions of Barnabas through his example, faith, kindness and dedication to the new believers. “The Lord’s hand was with them and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord.” (Act.11:21). Our faith must grow day by day in Christ. Christ needs to be seen and become the centre of all our activities. All the believers had in common was Christ not race, culture or language. We all need to be Christ-ones in the place we live. The others must experience Christ in us through our love, kindness, joy and commitment. The responsorial Psalm acclaims, “O praise the Lord all you nations.” (Ps.116:1). In the Gospel, Jesus reveals who Jesus is in relation to the Father. “The Father and I are one.” (Jn. 10:30). People wanted to know who Jesus was. Jesus reveals His divinity. Father and Jesus are not the same person but they one in essence and nature. Jesus is not merely a good teacher. He is God. We are to follow the Lord for our personal safety and spiritual welfare. Jesus gives us the eternal life all who follow Him. “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me.” (Jn.10:27). May we demonstrate our faith through our good works.

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