It is 06th May 2015. The readings are from Acts. 15:1-6 and the Gospel from Jn.15:1-8. The first reading presents a decisive moment of the growth of the church. Some people wanted this young and new Christian way of living to put on the coat of Judaism or rather to keep it as an offshoot of Judaism. The discussion was whether non-Jews to be circumcised and follow the laws of Moses or not. “The apostles and elders met to look into the matter.” (Act.15:6). It is a moment for us to know and learn how to deal with conflicts in the church. Any argument must be given a fair hearing in front of the leaders of the church who are spiritually matured and trustworthy to make a decision. Everyone must heed the decision. The responsorial Psalm invites us to go to the God’s house, “I rejoiced when I heard them say, Let us go to God’s house.” (Ps.121:1). In the Gospel we read about the Vine and the Branches. Jesus invites us to remain in Him. “Remain in me, and I will remain in you.” (Jn.15:4). Remaining in Jesus means believing Him, receiving Him, obeying Him, perpetuate Him and relate Him with the rest of the believers in the community. A disciples of Jesus needs to be fruitful. Jesus is looking for fruitfulness in spiritual life. Prayer life, joy to proclaim the Gospel and willingness to love everyone are the fruitfulness of a believer. To be fruitful, we need to be pruned. Allowing God to deal with those unwanted branches and connections which makes plant to be less productive. We all have unwanted growth due to our unwillingness to remain in Jesus. “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given you.” (Jn.15:7). May you remain in Jesus today.

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