It is 07th May 2015. The readings are from Acts. 15:7-21 and the Gospel from Jn.15:9-11. The first reading is the outcome of the first council of the Church and the model of all. Peter presented the case and James led the Church with eloquence and personal example. The Council wanted to treat everyone equal whether Jews or Non-Jews. The Church was saved by suggesting to all of them that they need not be circumcised, they need to abstain from idolatry, from sexual immorality and from blood. “Remember, we believe that we are saved in the same way as they are: through the grace of the Lord Jesus.” (Acts. 15:11). The responsorial Psalm praises, “Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples.” (Ps.95:3). The Gospel invites us to experience the self-expression of the Father. “As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Remain in my love.” (Jn.15:9). We are depressed and downcast when some things are not going on well. But when we have a consistent love with Jesus, we will be experiencing the fullness of Joy. Our lives need to be intertwined with Jesus then everything is taken care of by Him. To experience the love of Jesus, we need to keep His commandments. No matter the waves of high and low can toss us, yet the joy of living with Jesus will keep us all blessed daily. All of us can experience His Words, His Love, His Joy, and His Spirit, as long as we remain connected with Jesus? Is your life connected with Jesus? Where are the roots of your life connected? What you eat, so you become. What you believe, so you behave. May the Lord bless you and have a peaceful day.

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