It is 09th May 2015. The readings are from Acts.16:1-10 and the Gospel is from Jn. 15:18-21. The first reading is the second missionary journey of Paul and his companions. Timothy, a young Jew becomes a travelling companion in the missionary activity. The Church steps into Europe through the vision of Paul. Paul looked for God’s sign in every move he made in the missionary activity. The ‘Spirit of Jesus,’ the Holy Spirit guided Paul in the work of God. The strength of the Church was in its personal visits to every nook and corner, preaching with conviction and zeal for Good News. “The churches were strengthened in the faith and increased in numbers daily.” (Acts. 16:5). The responsorial Psalm invites us to raise our voice to the Lord, “Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth.” (Ps.99:1). In the Gospel, Jesus warns us about the hatred of the world towards the believers. “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me before you.” (Jn. 15:18). The disciples are the recipients of love of Jesus and so the hatred of the world is directed to them as it was to Jesus. The elements of hatred towards God is on the increase day by day. It is due to the vicious circle of sin amplifies in us and around us due to so many personal and communal reasons. We are all one way or another going to be hated for the love and faith that we hold on to Jesus. They do it out of ignorance for Christ and His divinity. Hatred in speech and deed are intrinsically evil. We the believers never to hate any person on account of our faith. We must be willing to suffer like the Lord in times of hatred and selective side-lining in our personal life. “A servant is not greater than the master.” (Jn.15: 20). May the Lord help us to be an example today. Have a good day.

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