It is 11th May 2015. The readings are from Acts. 16:11-15 and the Gospel from Jn.15:26-16:4a. The first reading is the first response from Europe through a convert named Lydia, who was a wealthy business lady. God ‘opened her heart’ (Acts.16:14). Lydia was neither a Jewess nor a proselyte but God fearing and lived a life of high moral standard. She offered the Apostles her home to preach and to open the church. When the Lord opens our hearts, we need to be generous to God and God’s Church. The responsorial Psalm rightly sings, “The Lord takes delight in God’s people.” (Ps.149:4). The Gospel invites us to be the witness for the Risen Lord. “The Spirit of Truth who comes from the Father will testify on my behalf. You also are to testify me.” (Jn. 15:26,27). Jesus promises us the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Truth helping us to be the witnesses of the Truth. We can be a witness to the Risen Lord through our words and through our sufferings. Giving our life for Christ and opening our hearts, lives and resources for the Lord are indeed the need of the hour. There is growing hatred and persecutions towards the believers yet we need to remember the Words of the Lord, “An hour is coming when those who kill you will think that they are doing a holy duty for God.” (Jn.16:1). We all desperately need the guidance of the Holy Spirit to face the Spirit of Lies and Division. Unless we open our doors of lives for Christ to a witness and a testimony in a given situation, we can become a prey to the Evil. May the Holy Spirit strengthen us and lead us to the Spirit of Truth whenever we need to be there for Jesus and His Holy Church. May you be blessed.

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