It is 13th May 2015. We remember Our Lady of Fatima. The readings are from Acts.17:15,22-18:1 and the Gospel from Jn.16:12-15. The first reading presents the missionary work of Paul in Athens, the centre of Greek culture, philosophy and education. Paul began to speak on the works of God and leading them to understand the message and person of Christ Jesus. God is revealed in creation. Paul clarified the most educated people of Athens on the issues related to the resurrection of Christ and His judgement. He sternly warned them not to worship anything made or carved by human person and leading them to the conversion of heart. It is good to preach the Word of God with preparation. We need to preach from our faith and conviction like Paul. We have to lead people from ignorance to the eternal Truth Jesus Christ. We must never expect that everyone has to receive the message unanimously. Even if only a few were touched, it is worth the effort. The responsorial Psalm sings, “Your glory fills all heaven and earth.” (Ps.148). The Gospel leads us to understand the revelation of God. God manifests God’s Truth to us is called revelation. Revelation is an ongoing process. “I have still many things to say to you.” (Jn.16:12). The arrival of the Holy opened the avenues of Revelation not only through the Sacred Scripture and also through the tradition. God offers to us as a gift. Revelation is not a human discovery or human effort. The Holy Spirit will not teach something contrary to the Gospel of Christ rather the Spirit of Truth leads us closer and deeper to the meaning and understanding of the words of Jesus. God’s word is the revelation given to us through Jesus. May the Lord lead us all to the Truth.

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