It is 23rd May 2015. We celebrate the feast of Our Lady help of Christians to remember the glorious return of Pope Pius VII from Napoleonic captivity. The readings are from Acts. 28:16-20, 30-31 and the Gospel from Jn. 21:20-25. The first reading is the total summary of the entire Acts of the Apostles. After the ship wreck, Paul entered Rome to preach and to meet the other believers and the Jews. Even though he was in chains under the house arrest, he wrote from his prison the letters to the Ephesians, the Colossians, the Philippians and the Philemon. He was released after two years of house arrest and he started his missionary journey God helped him. The Holy Spirit worked through ordinary people to bring the extra ordinary outcome in the life of the church. We all can used by the Holy Spirit if and when we become docile to the will of God. The responsorial Psalm sings, “The upright shall see your face, O Lord.” (Ps.10:7). We come to the end of the Gospel of John today. It presents the talk of Jesus with Peter. Peter wanted to know the status of John in the Church. Jesus told Peter, “What is that to you? You must follow me.” (Jn. 21:23). We do not need to compare ourselves with others. We must not seek positions and privileges from the church we belong. We believe Jesus in order to be saved and to bear witness not to rank a position or power. We need to do our part in the church? Are we doing our part spiritually, economically, physically, intellectually and administratively in the parishes we belong? Are we a participant or a spectator in the church of God? Time has come to believe Jesus more than anything or anyone in the world to be His witness. May the Lord bless you.

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