It is 30th May 2015. The readings are from Sir.51:12-20 and the Gospel from Mk.11:27-33. The first reading emphasises that through prayer, persistent study, and holy living, every one of us must approach wisdom. The author Ben-Sirach believed that Wisdom as beloved and respected teacher and it is the knowledge of God. He was grateful for the gift and learned to be thankful through his practicing the virtues. We are all given the same gifts yet we push aside the strings of wisdom in our lives. We need to cultivate a mind-set to be open to the wisdom of God right from our youth. The responsorial Psalm prays, “The precepts of the Lord gladden the heart.” (Ps.18:9). The Gospel hints today that Jesus has the answers for all our questions through His Messianic authority from God. Pharisees and the Scribes wanted to know through what authority Jesus taught and cleansed the temple. But Jesus tackled them with the question about the baptism of John, which they failed to answer. They wanted to monopolize the truth forgetting that they are encountered by the very Truth, Jesus himself. Jesus claimed His Messianic authority by making them to deal with their ignorance. In our lives, we too need human intelligence to deal with the daily challenges but through the wisdom of God’s revelation and grace we can address the challenges of our human conditions in a holistic way. We all duly require Wisdom that leads us to the Truth. We must never engage in manipulating the truth for our convenience and comfort. May Wisdom guide us daily to know the plan of God.

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