It is 08th June 2015. The readings are from 2 Cor.1:1-7 and the Gospel from Mt. 5:1-12. The first reading describes about St. Paul during his third missionary journey learnt that how suffering personally shaped him to be a better shepherd for Christ. Suffering is the best teacher even though it is a bitter pill to swallow. We all become a better person to ourselves and to others through suffering from the world and comforts from God. When we have been comforted by God, we ourselves become a better comforter to the others. It is like more suffering brings more comfort from God. It is good to allow God to comfort ourselves when we are dashed by the waves of hopelessness, sickness and guilt moment after moment. “For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.” (1 Cor.1:5). The responsorial Psalm invites us to experience the Lord in a personal way. “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” (Ps.33:9). The Gospel presents the Beatitudes of the Lord. These are the Christian attitudes and the attached blessings. The first three beatitudes are towards God. Being small, being poor, being meek, being vulnerable, and being sympathetic are the times we feel that God is in control. The next five beatitudes are the moral attitudes which are directed to person to person. Justice, mercy, purity of heart, peace, endurance in suffering and willingness to carry the burden of the other are the ones that connect us to others. When we practice the beatitudes, we truly become better Christian day by day. Beatitudes of Jesus are the expectations and promises of blessings for all of us who are following Jesus. “Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.” (Mt.5:12). May you have a day full of comfort and blessings.

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