It is 15th June 2015. The readings are from 2 Cor. 6:1-10 and the Gospel from Mt. 5:38-42. The first reading strongly reminds us to be the co-workers in the vineyard of the Lord . A co-worker for the Lord is the one who is willing to suffer for another yet having a contented spiritual life. We do not belong to the church to compete, and boss over others. It is all about our spiritual growth in the Lord not material growth. Let not our actions chase someone however sinful they can be away from Jesus. Does our actions communicate Jesus? We are not here to communicate an inspiration but an everlasting inspirer Jesus Christ. We are willing to suffer for the Lord and for the Church being a co-worker not as an individual, skilful, judgemental worker. “We put no stumbling block in anyone’s path, so that our ministry will not be discredited.” (2 Cor.6:3). Let us not give in to public opinions and pressures. We need to be firm, active, joyous, and content even if the world undermines and side lines us. We must not compromise Gospel values for the standards of this world. In the responsorial Psalm we read, “The Lord has made known his salvation.” (Ps.97:2). The Gospel cautions us to be careful about our vengeful attitudes. Our normal reaction to any ill-treatment is to retaliate immediate or we hold a grudge to deal with it later. Our Christian life need not be in a vicious circle of tit for tat. “Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him/her the other too.” (Mt.5:38). Our life must be also filled with reconciliation and love. Jesus wants us to be different. Love must be able to even every humps and lumps of our lives. We are all co-travellers to the same destination. May the Lord bless us to be together for Jesus and His values of the Kingdom. May you have good day.

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