It is 16th June 2015. The readings are from 2 Cor.8:1-9 and the Gospel from Mt. 5:43-48. The first reading is the letter of charity sermons and begging letters. St. Paul urging the followers of Christ to be generous. Paul writes how the poor churches in Macedonia, Philippi, Thessalonica and Berea had been generous. To be generous is the right and good thing to do. Does our giving measure up the other churches? The Kingdom of God spreads only through our eagerness and generosity. We need to explore ways of making our churches self-supporting through our generosity. Time has come to be partners with Christ and the Church in order to evangelize and spread the good news of our Lord Jesus. “For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability.” (2 Cor.8:3). The responsorial Psalm praises, “My soul, give praise to the Lord.” (Ps145:2). The Gospel invites us to be perfect in loving like the Father in Heaven. Our purpose of being a human is to love. We need to love like God. Love must not be selective, choosy, reserved, conditional and prejudiced. Love needs to go beyond the skin, colour, creed, caste, tribe, race, and religion. Loving the unlovable is the mission of the Church and the individual believer. Love is basically reflecting the attitude and behaviours of the Creator God. Because God is Love. We cannot claim anything in this world and thereafter for loving those who love us. We are rewarded abundantly for loving those who cannot repay us back. Love is not reciprocal. True love happens when there is no expectations in return. It is all about overcoming the evil with good. Can we love our enemies? Can we make a special effort in loving those who wish us evil? May the Lord bless you and have a good day.

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