It is 21st June 2015. It is the Father’s Day. May the Lord bless all the Fathers for their love and care they show to us . It is 12th Sunday of the Ordinary time. The readings are from Job 3:1, 8-11; 2 Corinthians 5:14-17; and the Gospel from Mark 4:35-41. The first reading reminds us that God is in control even amidst all the sufferings and loss. We all have nearly asked in a time like these, where is God? We all have the tendency to question God like Job. Yet God is so patient to remind us time and time again that God is the owner of all creation and nothing exists or happens without God’s knowing. God’s plan and purpose will be revealed in God’s time. The wicked may grow rich and enjoy life but at the end the Lord God will bring success to the righteous and innocent persons. The responsorial Psalm praises the Lord, “Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlasting.” (Ps.107:1). The second reading assures that anyone passes through Jesus Christ become anew. “So whoever is in Christ is a new creation.” (2 Cor. 5:17). We all become new through our Baptism. We are no long a competitors rather complementor in the mystical body of Christ. The old and sinful self is gone and we all have become anew in Christ. The Gospel manifests His divinity. Jesus has the power to deal with all the destructive forces. The words of Jesus in the Gospel “Quiet! Be still!!” (Mk 4:39) offers the courage to trust the Lord at all times that God is in control. It seems that the Lord is not interested to help us when the waves of sickness, financial debts, and hopelessness engulf us. The truth is that we forget that we are always accompanied by a compassionate and mighty God who has the final say in every matter of our lives. May we rely on God no matter what the situation is. May you have good day.

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