It is 26th June 2015. The readings are from Gen.17:1, 9-10, 15-22 and the Gospel from Mt. 8:1-4. The first reading explains about God’s Covenant to Abram. El Shaddai means God the Almighty. El Shaddai makes a new promise and contract with Abram. On the part of Abraham, he had to obey God and circumcise all the males in his household; on the part of God, God promised children, property, power, wealth and all the blessings to Abraham. God expected faithfulness from Abraham and a new relationship with God. But Abraham and Sarah doubted God on the impossibility of having a child at their age. Yet God kept up his words. We are to follow God’s plan in our lives even though it may look humanly impossible. The responsorial Psalm prays, “Indeed thus shall be blessed the person who fears the Lord.” (Ps.127:4). The Gospel brings out the power of Jesus through the healing of the leper. Through miracles, Jesus is accepted and recognised among the people. Leprosy was a very serious incurable disease during the time of Jesus. Lepers were segregated, outcast, untouchable and ill-treated. Yet the leper begged for healing from Jesus. “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” (Mt. 8:2). Jesus reached out and touched him, even though his skin was covered with the dread disease. Jesus is willing to touch any incurable disease including sin in us. It is we who need to approach Him and ask for such healing. What stops us asking Jesus for healing? Are we also not having some conditions inside the body and spirit which needs the touch of Jesus? May the Lord Jesus bless us and let us take the initiative to ask for His blessings. May you have a good day.

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