It is 27th June 2015. We have the memory of Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Cyril of Alexandria. The readings are from Gen 18:1-15 and the Gospel from Mt. 8:5-17. The first reading expresses the deep belief in hospitality in the household of Abraham. Hospitality is a spiritual and a sacred duty of a believer. Hospitality could bring so much of blessings to those who are hospitable. Treating the strangers is equal to treating God himself. Three men came to visit Abraham and He treated them the best way possible and receives a blessing of a child as a promise. For God, we must always offer the best and then we can be sure that we will receive equally the best. While being hospitable to the strangers, we might end up feeding God himself. Jesus himself taught us to be hospitable saying, “What you have done to the least of my brethren you have done to me.” (Mt.25:40). The responsorial Psalm prays, “The Lord remembered his mercy.” (Lk.1:54). The Gospel brings out the outright rejection of Jesus by His own people and a public acceptance of Jesus by many like the Centurion. “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof; but only speak the word, and my servant will be healed.” (Mt. 8:8). When we accept Jesus and His power to heal us publically, He does reward us gloriously. No matter who we are, what we have done so far, we can surely trust Jesus like the Centurion in order to experience the difference in our lives. “Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?” (Gen.18:14). By a single look, a simple touch and a deep compassion, Jesus heals those who approach Him with faith. “He took our infirmities and bore our diseases.” (Mt. 8:17). May our encounter with divine bring the healing we require for our lives. May you have a good day.

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